There are plenty of opportunities for you to become involved or have your voice heard here at Rio Plaza. Each month we hold the following events:
Information about these events can be found here on the website calendar, on the marquis outside the cafeteria, in the display case near the parking lot, or on the calendar mailed home each month. All events are open to ALL parents/families.
Coffee and Dessert with the Principal is your opportunity to discuss a variety of topics which you want to know more about. This meeting is an open discussion and is driven your questions.
The School Site Council is a group of teachers, parents, and classified employees that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and the school budget.
The English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) advises the Principal and staff on programs and services for English Learners. The ELAC assists the school in the development of the school plan, needs assessment, language census, and the importance of regular attendance.
The PTA is a parent run organization whose purpose is to support the students with extracurricular activities, additional classroom supplies, technology or other items to improve the experiences of the students at Rio Plaza. The PTA provides funds through fundraisers planned throughout the year.
The After School Program Family Nights are open to ALL Rio Plaza families. Events include game nights, dances, and movie nights, just to name a few.
The English Classes for Parents are free to all parents. The classes are held several times each week and children are welcome to come with you. The classes are taught by volunteers from the Laubach Literacy Group.
Taking part in these events requires little time, but makes a huge impact on your child’s education and personal growth.